The findings show that entrepreneurs have enhanced activity in the medial and orbital sectors of the prefrontal cortex, the brain area just above and behind the eye sockets, where hot mental processes take place. 研究结果显示,企业家加强了前额叶皮质区中间和边缘部分的活动。这部分大脑区域位于眼眶后方和正上方,冲动的心理过程就发生在这里。
He found increased activation in the left side of the prefrontal part of the brain, an area associated with lower anxiety, positive emotion and inhibition of the amygdala, the brain's fear center. 他发现他们大脑额叶前部的左侧激活的情况有所增加,而这一部位与较低的焦虑水平、积极的情绪和大脑恐惧中心扁桃核的抑制相关。
The most notable of these "non-synchronous" regions is the prefrontal cortex, an area associated with logic, deliberative analysis, and self-awareness. 这些“非同步的”脑区中最主要的是前额叶皮层,一个与逻辑、审慎分析以及自我意识相关的脑区。
Effects of inferior prefrontal area lesions on delayed-matching avoidance response in monkeys 前额叶下侧面切除对猕猴延缓比配防御反应的影响
Objective To investigate the influence of injury of prefrontal cortex on the risk-taking decision-making and to test the hypothesis that the orbitofrontal area is involved in the special network of risk-taking decision-making. 目的探讨前额叶眶部(OBF)和背外侧(DLF)损伤对风险决策认知加工的影响,验证OBF参与风险决策认知加工过程的假说。
In two groups, the difficulty of task increased the laterality of prefrontal cortex, premotor area, and inferior parietal lobule decreased, but the laterality of posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus increased. 两组中,与简单计算任务相比,执行复杂计算任务时前额皮层、运动前区和顶下小叶的LI均下降,而额下回后部LI增加。
During simple and complex calculation, the laterality index of prefrontal cortex and premotor area was higher in right handed group than that in left handed group, but the laterality of inferior parietal lobule had no significant difference. 在执行简单计算和复杂计算时,右利手组前额皮层、运动前区LI大于左利手组,额下回后部LI小于左利手组,顶下小叶偏侧化程度两组接近。
The disorder of hemisphere lateralization might be related with selective inhibition of functional integration in different prefrontal lobes area and stages, during appreciation and perception of emotional stimulus. 脑优势半球方面异常可能与患者觉察和评估情绪刺激时,在不同阶段选择性抑制前额叶左、右半球不同区域的功能整合有关。
Dorsal lateral of left prefrontal cortex, bilateral premotor area, posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus, medial frontal gyrus, and cortex around intraparietal sulcus, posterior part of inferior temporal gyrus, were all activated during simple calculation and complex calculation task. 简单计算和复杂计算均可见左侧前额皮层、双侧运动前区/中央前回、额下回后部、额内回、扣带回前部、颞下回后部、顶下小叶激活。
Striatum is an important structure of basal ganglion, which is composed of ventral striatum and dorsal striatum receiving glutamatergic afferent from prefrontal cortex and dopaminergic afferent originating from ventral tegmental area of midbrain. 纹状体(Striatum)是构成基底神经节的一个核团,由腹侧纹状体和背侧纹状体组成,接受来自大脑皮层的谷氨酸能纤维传入和来自中脑黑质的多巴胺能纤维传入。
Methods Patients with lesion in orbitofrontal, patients with lesion in dorsolateral prefrontal and healthy controls were administered with a neuropsychological battery for social cognition, including basic emotion recognition from eye area and risk-taking task. 方法采用社会信息感知(眼区情绪识别)以及社会问题解决(风险决策)任务,对前额叶眶额部和背外侧损伤患者以及健康对照组的社会认知进行研究。
ERPs data suggested two age-related changes in neural activity. One is that brain activity occurred in more areas for old people, including the prefrontal area and even the whole brain; the other is the activity level was lower in the old. ERPs数据揭示了两种年龄相关的差异,一是老年人神经活动水平显著低于年轻人,二是老年人在内隐学习中脑区激活范围更大,包括对额区甚至整个脑区的大范围激活。
The brain mapping showed emotional images evoked EEG is most active in the prefrontal area. 由该地形图可知,情绪图片视觉诱发时前额区域脑电最为活跃。